Martian Wiki

The Hectosian Clan
Political information
Type of Government

Criminal organization



de facto leader


Societal information


Primary language(s)


Native species
Primary religion


Historical information
date of establishment

Unknown (before the Earth)

date of dissolution

Unknown (before life appeared on Earth)


The Hectosian Clan is the clan made up of the Hectosians who tried to overthrow their old government and take control of Mars. No one is quite sure who their leader was. Detour was a famous Hectosian, although he was not their leader. Detour loved Hectos, the Martian god of chaos. He was devoted to live by his principles and together, the Hectosian Clan would take over Mars for some time.

Taking Control

While Detour was a famous Hectosian, he was not the leader. It is unknown who the leader of the Hectosian Clan is. As far as we know, Detour is the only Hectosian that we know by name, although there were many more. The Hectosians were skilled and trained warriors and they fought until every last Martian was dead. At this time, Earth had not been formed yet and Mars, was still in its beginning stages. The Hectosians fought with all of their might! They all tried to persuade the Martians that Hectos was Mars' true leader, although that is only one's opinion. Eventually, the Hectosians seized power and all was lost to the heroic Martians. One Martian, Muzo, rose up and tried to spark a rebellion which could tip the balance of power back into the Martians' favor.

The Rebellion

Muzo's forces fought against the Hectosians who had gratefully taken over the planet Mars. By now, the Earth was just a barren waste land. No life was on it. Muzo's forces fought back, but were driven away. Two thousand years later, Muzo's forces tried again and finally defeated the Hectosian Clan. All but one, anyways. The only Hectosian still alive today is Detour. He has created an army and mighty dictatorship known as Detour's Empire. Muzo and the other Martians have just disappeared. It is thought that Detour killed Muzo, but as for the rest of the Martians, they have not been heard from in over seven million years.
